0Industries in Nagoya

Chapter2. Wholesale Industry
  1. The wholesale in dustry of the city counted 14,550 business establishments.172.134 personsen gaged and annual sales of 24.7967 trillion yen as of June1, 2004. In thelongterm .the national share of the city’s wholesaleindustry(insales)has been decliningfromits peak of 8.7% in 1997 down to 6.1% in 2004. With the City of Osaka follow ing the sam etrend.the wholesale industry continuesto concentratein the central Tokyo area.

  2. In 2004.the national share of the whole sale in dustry in the city in annualsales by type of business show ed thatm ineral/metalm aterials.pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.automobiles.and general machinery/appliances accounted for relatively high percentages. With in the city.the annual sales of the wholesale industry by type of business shows thatm ineral/metalm aterials and electric machinery and appliances accounted for relatively high percentages. With a high concentration ofindustry in theGreater Nagoya Area.raw materials form anufacturing and machinery/appliancesform the core of the wholesale industry of the city.

  3. The annual sales of the wholesale in dustry of Aichi Prefecture by suppliers showed that transactions between head offices and branches within the same companies are mostfrequent(36.4%). By distribution channel.”other wholesale(wholesale within the same company)” accounts for the highest percentage (40.5%).showing the important role of branches in the wholesale industry in the prefecture.

  4. In the distribution of wholesale establishments by ward.the downtown areas such as Naka Ward and Nakamura Ward show high percentages of concentration in the number of establishments.with 21.3% and 14.4%.respectively. In annual sales.Naka Ward and Nakamura Ward show very high percentages.with 28.4% and 27.3%.respectively.These establishments in the downtown areas are concentrated in the Nishiki.Sakae.and Marunouchi districts in Naka Ward and around Nagoya Station in Nakamura Ward.

  5. The turnover ofthe Nagoya Central Wholesale Market in 2005 included 663.000 tons of fruit and vegetables.232.000 tons of fishery products and 12.000 tons of meat.Com pared with the turnover(in volume) of 1995. fruitand vegetables were 77.6% and fishery productsw ere76.8% of their levels 10 years ago.showing a continued down ward trend.

  6. As for the aging and constrained Takabata Market. the city has promoted a construction project to build a new central wholesale marketformeat(Nam bu Market) in Funami-cho.Minato Ward. to relocate and improve the old one.The new market. which will be sanitary.modern and environment-friendly.will supply safe meat to consumers.


PartI Nagoya, a World Manufacturing Center :
PartI Roots and Development

Chapter3. Nurturing Innovative Small Businesses and
Chapter2. Helping Their R&D

PartII Characteristics of the Economy and Industry
PartII of Nagoya

Chapter1. Economic Trends

Chapter2. Economic Scale and Industrial Structure

Chapter3. Industrial Infrastructure Supporting
Chapter3. Economy of Nagoya

Chapter4. International Trade and Business Exchange

Chapter5. Tourism and Conventions

PartIII Industries in Nagoya

Chapter1. Manufacturing Industry

Chapter2. Wholesale Industry

Chapter3. Retail Industry

Chapter4. Service Industry

Chapter5. Finance and Insurance Industries

Chapter6. Construction, Real Estate,
Chapter6. and Transportation Industries

Chapter7. Agriculture

 General Affairs Division
 Nagoya Urban Industrial Promotion Corporation
 Tel : 052-735-2115

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